Tuesday, September 4, 2007

hell week

finals week is upon me finally.

Wednesday: Statics (8am), Physics III(take home)
Thursday: Marketing(6pm)
Friday: Statistics(8am)

this weekend was definitely great though. Friday i helped my new roommate ken move in. That night him and i chilled and watched movies. We went to our friend Eric's house where i passed out on a couch for 3 hours. after which we all took an adventure to wawa at like 3 am. Saturday was glorious. The weather was absolutely amazing. I went into Center City with my friend Alanna and just wondered around into random stores. That night i had a bbq at my house and a lot of my friends came to hang out. Sunday i bummed around my house till my friend Dan got out of work. Then Dan, Eric, Hess and I went to his parents shore house in Brigantine. We just relaxed that night on the porch. I locked Eric in a porta-potty at one point. Monday morning we went fishing at 8am for four hours. We caught a lot of blue fish which ended up being our dinner for the night. We also spent a couple of hours at the beach playing football and body surfing. We decided to leave back for philly late to avoid traffic which we did successfully. To kill time we went over to AC, checked out Ceaser's and the Boardwalk. That was basically my labor day weekend. Time to return to the studying.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

the beginning of the end

Summer has flown by. Its week 10, the last week of classes. Next week brings finals. I feel like i have done so much this summer, but at the same time i feel like i could have done so much more. I never really got into weight lifting like i originally planned. Having night class 3 days out of the week and work every day kind of puts a damper on those plans. I reserved my weekends for having fun with my fraternity That was definitely a success other than not being able to attend white water rafting.

This past weekend was definitely great. After an extremely stressful week, the debauchery from the weekend was well deserved and utilized. Friday night my fraternity had a Stop Light Party. You wear green if your single, yellow if you are indifferent, and red if you are taken. It was a very amusing night. On Saturday my fraternity and i went up to Cloverly park, which is near Philadelphia University. We have been putting work into the park for the past 3 years. Its a great feeling to know our dedication to the park has helped it win the best park awards year after year. They even have a sign acknowledging the work we have put in at the park. Randomly one of the founding fathers found us while we were working. He was impressed how well the fraternity was doing and how much it had grown since he was at school. Its always easy work like laying out mulch, pruning, removing debris, etc. The park people we assist live around the park and provide us with so much food and beverages throughout the day. We goof off, tell stories of stupid stuff we have been getting into, and the work just flies by and it ends up being a great day. That night my friend Kurt had a moving out party. I got to see a lot of my friends i had not seen in a long time. Once again just hung out and got into some trouble. All and all a good night.

I noticed that many of my friends are moving. Some are going home for coop. Some are getting back to campus. There are also the many seniors going to grad/med school or just getting into their careers. I helped my too good friends Shannon and Roxy move Friday and Saturday. They moved out of their sorority house into two different places. Its weird originally all three of us were going to live together sophomore year, we ended up being neighbors when our plans fell through. Then they moved into their sorority house together and now they are in separate apartments. Somehow they both managed to get into 3rd floor apartments which isn't fun when it comes to moving heavy furniture. Nice thing is there parents love me and provided me with lots of food.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

whats with the weather

So the weather here in philly has sucked for the past few days. if you have been to london thats basically what it has been like. everyday is cloudy and muggy. usually raining the whole day. the weather has dropped dramatically from the usual 90 degrees. thats the only plus. but it will be back in the 90s this weekend as well. only problem is when the temperature hops around like this i usually get sick, so hopefully i don't.

I went home to ny this past weekend. I attended my cousin janes wedding on saturday. It was a lot of fun. I got to see all my family while i was there. Since i don't go home that often and its usually only for 2-3 days i don't get a chance to see them. its wierd how much some of them have grown. Funny thing was i didn't get carded and actually made friends with the bartender. He hooked me up for the rest of the night. My cousins who were of age did get carded so i found that quite amusing. My cousin jen actually drove me back to philly. she lives in baltimore now where she is attending grad school and becoming a math teacher. it was cool cause her and i got to talk one on one the whole trip. she went to school in buffalo so we really caught up.

as for this week im just ironing out some details for the fall for my rugby team. Also i have a Statics midterm tomorrow on top of a Statistics quiz. I might be studying all night today. Friday we are having a stop light party at my fraternity so ill be able to chill. and of course we are doing community service all day saturday woot woot!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

turkey legs and swords

Its week 8. got second batch of midterms this week and next week. basically 2 more weeks of class and a week of finals. then 2 weeks of wonderful break before i start my final co-op. rugby will be starting up, rush for pike, and of course i turn 21 in october.

any hoot this past saturday pete and i went to the Renaissance Fair. He has been several times but it was my first time. It was so much fun. The majority of people came dressed up. There was plenty of shows during the day like a magician/comedian, jousts, human chess and acrobats. Tons of vendors selling jewelry, leather products, costumes, and of course shiny pointy objects aka daggers and swords. The food was great like giant turkey legs for example. There was also a mexican vendor for some reason but must say the taco salad was delicious. Found a random apple stand that had an apple slushie on the menu.

Pete and I bought some daggers. It runs until a week after my bday so my roommates and i will prolly go again since we will all be able to drink at the fair then.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


so i went to DC on Saturday with my fraternity to visit the Smithsonian. well specifically the National Air and Space Museum. We left around 9 but ended up getting stuck in traffic most of the way down. Then once we got there we got lost several times in the city. Whoever thought designing DC after Paris was a total idiot. Seriously id rather drive in Manhattan than DC.

Anyway we had hoped to get there earlier in order to check out 1 or 2 other museums. But we got there just in time for the tour we had scheduled. I hadn't gone since i was like middle school, and having the tour guide i realized was awesome. You learn so much more following them around rather then just walking around on your own. The look on his face when we told him we were all in a fraternity was priceless.

The best part of the trip however was SHEETZ

so beth, my boss, just got an olive pitter. random but it made me laugh

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

spider pig spider pig

The Simpson's Movie was AWESOME. It was extremely funny, especially the first 20 minutes. go watch it and pay attention to everything...there are always amusing signs popping up. Paint balling on saturday was great also. Only a few of us ended up going but it worked out well. We went to Captain Karls which is like 30 minutes away near Media, PA. Hit up some speed ball courts and the woods. They had an awesome hill field with a fort on top and on the bottom.

Other than that not much going on i guess...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

midterms yay

no midterms aren't fun actually lol. i have my physics midterm tonight. i am almost done with the take home person but the in class portion is all theory. tomorrow morning i have my stat midterm and tomorrow night is my marketing midterm. After that i can try and relax over the weekend. Going to see the Simpson's movie on Friday night for my friends birthday and probably going paint balling on Saturday to continue the celebrations.

I went on a jet ski for the first time this past Saturday. it was uber awesome. And of course my first time on my buddy threw me off the back end.