Tuesday, August 14, 2007

turkey legs and swords

Its week 8. got second batch of midterms this week and next week. basically 2 more weeks of class and a week of finals. then 2 weeks of wonderful break before i start my final co-op. rugby will be starting up, rush for pike, and of course i turn 21 in october.

any hoot this past saturday pete and i went to the Renaissance Fair. He has been several times but it was my first time. It was so much fun. The majority of people came dressed up. There was plenty of shows during the day like a magician/comedian, jousts, human chess and acrobats. Tons of vendors selling jewelry, leather products, costumes, and of course shiny pointy objects aka daggers and swords. The food was great like giant turkey legs for example. There was also a mexican vendor for some reason but must say the taco salad was delicious. Found a random apple stand that had an apple slushie on the menu.

Pete and I bought some daggers. It runs until a week after my bday so my roommates and i will prolly go again since we will all be able to drink at the fair then.

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