Wednesday, August 8, 2007


so i went to DC on Saturday with my fraternity to visit the Smithsonian. well specifically the National Air and Space Museum. We left around 9 but ended up getting stuck in traffic most of the way down. Then once we got there we got lost several times in the city. Whoever thought designing DC after Paris was a total idiot. Seriously id rather drive in Manhattan than DC.

Anyway we had hoped to get there earlier in order to check out 1 or 2 other museums. But we got there just in time for the tour we had scheduled. I hadn't gone since i was like middle school, and having the tour guide i realized was awesome. You learn so much more following them around rather then just walking around on your own. The look on his face when we told him we were all in a fraternity was priceless.

The best part of the trip however was SHEETZ

so beth, my boss, just got an olive pitter. random but it made me laugh

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