Wednesday, August 22, 2007

whats with the weather

So the weather here in philly has sucked for the past few days. if you have been to london thats basically what it has been like. everyday is cloudy and muggy. usually raining the whole day. the weather has dropped dramatically from the usual 90 degrees. thats the only plus. but it will be back in the 90s this weekend as well. only problem is when the temperature hops around like this i usually get sick, so hopefully i don't.

I went home to ny this past weekend. I attended my cousin janes wedding on saturday. It was a lot of fun. I got to see all my family while i was there. Since i don't go home that often and its usually only for 2-3 days i don't get a chance to see them. its wierd how much some of them have grown. Funny thing was i didn't get carded and actually made friends with the bartender. He hooked me up for the rest of the night. My cousins who were of age did get carded so i found that quite amusing. My cousin jen actually drove me back to philly. she lives in baltimore now where she is attending grad school and becoming a math teacher. it was cool cause her and i got to talk one on one the whole trip. she went to school in buffalo so we really caught up.

as for this week im just ironing out some details for the fall for my rugby team. Also i have a Statics midterm tomorrow on top of a Statistics quiz. I might be studying all night today. Friday we are having a stop light party at my fraternity so ill be able to chill. and of course we are doing community service all day saturday woot woot!

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