Tuesday, September 4, 2007

hell week

finals week is upon me finally.

Wednesday: Statics (8am), Physics III(take home)
Thursday: Marketing(6pm)
Friday: Statistics(8am)

this weekend was definitely great though. Friday i helped my new roommate ken move in. That night him and i chilled and watched movies. We went to our friend Eric's house where i passed out on a couch for 3 hours. after which we all took an adventure to wawa at like 3 am. Saturday was glorious. The weather was absolutely amazing. I went into Center City with my friend Alanna and just wondered around into random stores. That night i had a bbq at my house and a lot of my friends came to hang out. Sunday i bummed around my house till my friend Dan got out of work. Then Dan, Eric, Hess and I went to his parents shore house in Brigantine. We just relaxed that night on the porch. I locked Eric in a porta-potty at one point. Monday morning we went fishing at 8am for four hours. We caught a lot of blue fish which ended up being our dinner for the night. We also spent a couple of hours at the beach playing football and body surfing. We decided to leave back for philly late to avoid traffic which we did successfully. To kill time we went over to AC, checked out Ceaser's and the Boardwalk. That was basically my labor day weekend. Time to return to the studying.

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