Monday, July 2, 2007


no i am not excited for Monday at all lol. First week of class went well, ended up going back to New Rochelle for the weekend as well. Saw my mom and my sister for the first time in months. They had gone to India after my sister graduated and came back with bunch of things for me, mostly clothes. Saved me some money in updating the wardrobe at least. Other than that it was just a pretty boring weekend. Just bummed around the house.

Got together with my friend Jeff and opened up my laptop to figure out what was wrong with it. sort of succeeded i guess. Still not functioning but discovered the root of the problem at least. I also hung out with my friend Shawn. We watched dodge ball and got Coldstone after.

what was amusing was my friend robin from NY stayed at my house in Philly while i was in NY. hes all stressed out from his work and just needed a weekend to get away. i guess zooming around in a brand new Porsche isn't relaxing enough. this weeks just the usual: work, class and gym.

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