Tuesday, June 26, 2007

and so it begins....

Spring term was probably the most hectic term I have ever had at Drexel. I was taking 19.5 credits. I was working at least 10 hours a week with the admissions office. I had practice every night except Wednesday when i had a 6-10 night class. My weekends were always rugby games and tournaments and through out the week my fraternity responsibilities. My roommates didn't know what happened to me cause it seemed i had disappeared for awhile. They knew i was alive because my room just kept getting more disorganized. IT all paid off in the end got myself a nice 3.0 for the term

I was looking forward to summer term. I have already gone on 3 out of the 4 co-op interviews. My last one should be sometime next week. I am only taking 14 credits this term, but i do have night class 3 days out of the week. I will be working around 12 hours a week. I don't have class on Friday's but my 3 day weekends will be devoted to my rugby and fraternity responsibilities. I will also be doing some part time work with my friends marketing firm in NYC.

The office also sprung for a bunch of us to have rooms in Towers Hall for the summer. I am living with my buddy Pete, also a brother from the frat. My side of the room is still pretty empty since i still have my off campus housing. Its nice having the room in towers cause its on campus. So i have a place to shower after the gym and sleep if its a late night instead of walking all the way home. Plus i can always hang out with there when i'm bored.

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